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Ginger Tea during Pregnancy: Is it safe?


Herbal Ginger Tea for Nausea in Pregnancy

Ginger tea is one of the herbal teas that are very effective for cold and nausea. But is it safe for pregnant women? Well, the answer is yes, it is. It’s not only safe for pregnant women; in fact, has plenty of health benefits especially in the first trimester.
Please note: Ginger tea term is referred to the herbal tea without caffeine.
The Black tea with milk n ginger is surely one of unhealthy drinks for pregnant women due to caffeine.

Herbal Ginger Tea for Nausea: Recipe

1. Make Ginger tea for Remedy for Nausea

Ingredients: Ginger, Mint and Honey
First of all grate or slice ginger in threads. Boil 2 cups of water and add the ginger to it. Boil it on a medium flame for about 5 minutes. The water should reduce to half i.e. 1 cup. Now, add Mint leaves. Switch off the flame (Stop heating). Let it cool down to the room temperature. Add Honey to it. Honey must be taken in the room temperature to avail the maximum nutrients.
If you want to sip hot, then don’t add honey.

ginger tea

2. How much Ginger is Safe Dose in Pregnancy?

It is advised to choose foods and drinks wisely during pregnancy. Taking too much of caffeinated drinks is prohibited for pregnant women. Ginger tea is a great alternative to tea and coffee with a great aroma and taste and a selection of health benefits.
According to Ayurveda, Ginger tea boosts the body heat, so one cup a day is enough. Also, don’t take it every day. Maybe 4 days a week can do the work. Also, for one cup tea use only 1 inch of ginger preferably with Honey and Mint. If you are going through a medical condition like blood pressure and blood sugar then avoid drinking ginger tea. Pregnant women planning to get a C-section should also keep a distance from ginger tea.

3. Can I take Ginger + Black/Milk Tea in Pregnancy?

Adding any caffeinated substance with ginger is not really a healthy choice during pregnancy. Milk tea or black tea is just for taste and not health. It’s not really healthy for you to consume caffeine; be it an enhanced herbal tea.

Health Benefits of Ginger Herbal Tea for Expectant Women:

Relaxes Muscle

It’s really surprising that just a cup of ginger tea will provide a relief to your tired muscles. It also helps in the case of bone aches.

Reduces Risks of Cancer

The risk of cancer starts when body cells lack sufficient growth or some cells stop building. Ginger tea is an effective herbal solution to reduce the risk of cancer, especially ovarian cancer in pregnant women.

Add to Nutrient Absorption

Pregnant women need lots of nutrients throughout a day for a good health but many factors become obstacles in the process of nutrient absorption. Ginger tea helps the nutrients taken in diet get absorbed fast and properly.

Boosts Glucose Level in Body

Yes, a cup of ginger tea can maintain the glucose level in your body. Ginger tea aids to the building of insulin in the body and hence helpful for diabetes patients, not the severely suffering people.

Aids in Digestion and Immunity

Two of the most useful characteristics of ginger are boosting digestion and immunity. Ginger tea saves you from cold, cough, diarrhea and many other diseases.

Studies say that taking ginger is perfectly okay for pregnant women but the dose should be restricted to 1 gram per day or so. Ginger is a wonder herb and just a few sips of ginger tea can make your day sparkling and keep your health in the top gear.

Tea is the panacea of life and probably all the Tea-Lovers will agree to this. Tea is a popular beverage across the globe. Be it the aromas, tastes and types – everything about tea is lovable. Tea not just gingers your day up but one of the healthy types of tea, Ginger Tea, is a blessing to your health as well.

Caffeine free Drinks for Healthy Pregnancy

Is It Safe For Babies To Be around the Birds?


Parrots and Pigeons around Your Baby: This Is What You Should Know

If you are a pet bird lover or taking your baby to a house with bird pets and wondering if it’s healthy or unsafe for your child, then here is what you must know about the safety of the babies when they are around birds.

The Basics about the Problem with Birds and Babies

The birds like gulls and pigeons are categorized as pests as they spread diseases through the dust and their feathers. Pregnant women and babies are prohibited to come in contact with the birds like pigeons, gulls and parrots as they can cause sickness. Also, the transmission of some diseases from a few birds occurs through direct contact, inhaling, food contamination and some other ways.

Is Bird Dropping Toxic to Babies?

Well the below-mentioned diseases will explain everything.

Some of the Common Birds Related Diseases

Psittacosis (Parrot Fever)

Parrot fever, parrot infection or Psittacosis which is a disease related to newborn baby and parrot occurs due to bacteria called Chlamydia Psittaci. The name may point towards parrots but there are other birds too that spread parrot fever including pigeon, duck and chicken. The primary symptoms of this disease resemble that of flu. Victims may experience fever, dry and non-productive cough. Nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, diarrhea, tiredness and fatigue are some other symptoms that indicate that a person is suffering from parrot fever.
parrot fever
Parrot disease mainly spreads to human and people with poor immunity, elderly people, babies and pregnant women are highly prone to this disease. Also, people with respiratory issues easily get sick due to Parrot disease. Dust, feathers and cried bird droppings are the main factors that encourage the spreading of this disease.
So, if you are sick and you got birds at home then immediately consult with your doctor or health practitioner and mention that you have parrot or other pet birds at home. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of parrot disease but it’s important to take precautions when you have kids at home as their immunity is comparatively weaker than the adults and they are highly prone to this disease. Make sure your baby washes his/her hands after touching the bird, the cage or the feather/droppings.
Ref: Wikipedia

Allergic Alveolitis

Allergic Alveolitis which is commonly known as Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is basically a lung infection where the lung is inflamed. This occurs due to the exposure to bird droppings, dust and feathers. This can also occur in the outer part of the body. Repeated exposure to these bird residues that contain fungi and bacteria causes a reaction in the body’s defence system making you sick.
Ref: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781455733835000646


Salmonella infections that are commonly known as Salmonellosis spread through the feces and feathers of the birds. This infection mainly affects the intestinal tract. The symptoms of this diarrheal sickness include diarrhea, chills, fever, vomiting and abdominal cramps.
Ref: https://meridianbirdremoval.com/why-birds-cause-salmonellosis-risk/

Mycobacterium Avian Complex (MAC):

MAC usually affects people with a poor immune system. This disease is mainly caused by the organisms called M Intracellulare and M Avium. The results of this disease can be fatal sometimes.

Diseases caused by pigeons

If you see pigeons around your home and you got kids then you need to be a bit concerned about them. The common troubles faced due to pigeons are their droppings, feathers and dust spreading in the balcony. Pigeon droppings contain fungus and it affects the lungs. Make sure your laundry, especially kid’s laundry is safe is not exposed to the dust and droppings caused by the pigeons. People who have pet birds or simply pests around them generally ask a question – can my bird make pregnant women sick? Yes, they can. Prevent your baby and pregnant woman, if there is any, from getting in contact with the debris, feathers and droppings caused by the pigeons. Educate them about these birds and the health issues caused due to them.
Here is a whole dedicated article on Health Hazards due to Pigeons to Humans: Respiratory Issues due to Pigeons

Bird Dropping: Toxic for Humans

Bird droppings are very dangerous to human health. Here are some major hazards due to bird droppings:


This infection occurs due to the enteric bacteria. It is usually found in bird feces.


This fungal infection is usually caused due to pigeon droppings and affects many organs like intestine, skin, mouth, respiratory system and urogenital tract.

St. Louis Encephalitis

It is a neurological disorder which may end up taking the form of paralysis.


This lethal disease is caused due to the fungus present in bird droppings.


This disease is usually experienced when the dust and bacteria come in contact with the food through ventilation or air condition and leads to food poisoning.
The beautiful colors, enchanting sounds and humorous behaviours of birds are always adorable. There is no dearth of pet lovers and kids always fall into this vast category.
BUT, the immune system of the kids are weak and they are very vulnerable to dust and bacteria. If birds are around, dust and droppings will be a common sight but you can take measures to prevent your kids from getting exposed to these things to avoid serious illnesses.

Do Kids Need Mouthwash?


When to Introduce Mouthwash Liquid to your Child?

Whenever we talk about oral hygiene, mouthwash; especially Listerine-maker comes in our mind. Apart from brushing and flossing, using mouthwash every day is a great way to maintain the oral health. But, most of the moms wonder can I use Lystrein for my child?
You can let your child use a mouthwash for a fresh breath and good dental health but a mouthwash should be introduced to a child only at the right age.

What is the Right Age to Introduce a Mouthwash to a Child?

One of the most frequent questions among the moms is when can kids start to use mouthwash? Teenage children can use mouthwash every day as it is completely safe for them. Even preteen kids can also use it. Many mouthwash products contain Fluoride to fight the building up of plaque in teeth. Fluoride also fights gum diseases. The other primary components used in mouthwashes are zinc gluconate, zinc chloride, cetylpyridinium chloride etc. Mouthwash basically helps to clean those areas where a brush can’t reach. It’s easy-to-use and completely safe for older children.
For younger children, say below 6-7 years. Sometimes, your child’s dentist may prescribe a friendly mouthwash if his dental issue requires it but never start it by yourself for your baby who is below 6-7 years.

Why Mouthwash is Not Safe for Younger Kids?

Most of the mouthwashes contain fluoride which is known as a decolorizing agent. It changes the color and texture of the teeth. This condition is known as Fluorosis. For younger children, whose teeth are still developing, the loss of original color and texture is harmful and hence using mouthwash for children is not safe.

What Are the Benefits of Using Mouthwash for Older Children?

Using a mouthwash every day simply adds to the effectiveness of brushing and flossing. It’s an add-on to our oral health. For older children, using mouthwash has plenty of benefits like fresh breath, removal of food debris from braces or the corners where a brush can’t reach and protection of gums and cavity.
Read: Home Remedies for Bad Breath in Kids

How to Use Mouthwash for the First Time for Children?

The first use of mouthwash by older children must be done under a parent’s surveillance. As mouthwash contains fluoride and other chemicals, it is very important to teach the children to spit the fluid after rinsing and not swallow it. Always ask a dentist before introducing any mouthwash to your child.
When I introduced mouthwash to my elder son, I gave him in diluted form. i.e. half water and half mouthwash. Also I made him rinse mouth with water after use of mouthwash. Only 2 times a week, then I started to increase the frequency slowly. This method is safe and easy for kids to get used to it.
As we have seen above, using mouthwash is totally safe for the children above 6 years. Mouthwash is an efficient oral health booster. Always choose a kid-friendly mouthwash for your child or as suggested by the dentist.

How Much Weight Is Safe To Lift Up During Pregnancy?


Why Not to Lift Weight during Pregnancy?

You may be wondering if there is any scientific reason for not lifting weight during pregnancy or is it a myth. Because, once you declare you are pregnant, nearly everyone starts telling you, don’t lift up heavy bags, objects etc. And, since this is a new, joyful and even sometimes overwhelming experience for you, you are so concerned about all these instructions.
Is it true? What will happen if you lifted heavy weight? What is the parameter for a safe and unsafe weight? Let’s see.

FAQs: Lifting Heavy Things during Pregnancy

1. Is it True that Pregnant Women Should not Lift Heavy Weight?

Saying that you should not lift heavy weight at all when you are pregnant is not totally true. During pregnancy, the size of your uterus increases making enough space for the baby. Your body undergoes several changes including hormonal changes during this phase. Lifting too heavy weights during the early pregnancy is dangerous. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, if too heavy objects are lifted then there are higher chances of miscarriage which gradually decreases after 22 weeks of pregnancy. Also, there are chances of pelvic damage, strains and risky falls due to the imbalance of the body during this phase. It’s best to skip lifting heavy objects during pregnancy.

2. What is the Limit of Lifting Weight in The First Trimester?

Studies say that a woman in her late pregnancy should cut down on the weight for lifting by about 20-25 percent in comparison to her early pregnancy. Some studies say that a woman can lift a maximum of 25 pounds a day during late pregnancy but there is no proof to justify this theory. You can lift utensils and other light or medium weight objects but avoid lifting heavy things that require bending by waist.

3. Most Important Tip to Lift anything during Pregnancy

Whenever you have to pick anything up or lift from level lower than your waist, Don’t ever bend forward, always lower your upper body down in straight by bending the knees, i.e. by squatting. That is not only safe but a very good exercise for normal pregnancy to be even healthier.
Read: Squats during Pregnancy

4. What is the Parameter for Deciding what is Too Heavy Weight?

Truly speaking, there is no such parameter. There is no fixed answer for the question how much weight a pregnant woman can lift. Some studies suggest the maximum weight is 15 pounds while some studies say the limit is 25 pounds. However, a pregnant woman shouldn’t try to lift an object heavier than 25 pounds in a day. The production of a hormone called Relaxin makes lifting weight inconvenient for pregnant women. Saying no to the objects above 25 pounds can be a wise decision to avoid mishaps. However, you can lift weight up to 50 kg on some days but not every day.

5. What can be the Possible Risks of Lifting Heavy Objects during Pregnancy?

The chances of injury increase after being pregnant. You need to take special care of your movements, postures and activities throughout a day during this phase. The primary risks of lifting heavy weight during pregnancy include:
• Miscarriage
• Muscle pain
• Imbalance
• Pain in chest
• Headache
• Amniotic fluid leak
• Respiratory issues before exertion
• Pelvic damage
Always consult a healthcare professional to get a better idea about lifting weight and the maximum limit during pregnancy. The limit of lifting weight changes with each trimester and hence visiting a doctor or a healthcare professional is a must during these phases. Since pregnancy is a priceless experience, special attention is required for your body movements. Staying healthy and safe is the best way to rejoice this wonderful experience without any mishap.

5 Things to Know about Cleaning Kids Ears


How to Clean Kids’ Ear Wax?

Ear wax is a very common issue in kids. It’s not unhealthy or sign or health issue of ear. Lets see how you should and should not clean it.
There are four parts of human ear – outer ear, eardrum, middle ear and inner ear. But, when we are talking about cleaning kid’s ears then all we need to focus on is the outer ear which consists of External Auditory Tube and Pinna. Cleaning the outer ear is essential as together outer ear and eardrum catch the audio or sound and this sound is then channelled to the middle ear. How to Clean My Kids Ears?
Please note, you don’t need to clean kids’ ears everyday with buds, only clean the outer easily accessible part by towel/napkin itself.
Use buds only once in a while to clean the wax from the ear (only easily seen area of the ear).

Everyday Ear Cleaning Regime

You may need a soft and clean cloth/towel and suitable oil or solution as prescribed by the doctor to make the hard wax soft for cleaning purpose. Firstly take a moist cloth and wipe it on the front and behind part of the ears. If any dirt or earwax is visible, remove it. Do not use any chemical or soap while cleaning the ears. Just clean the outer area and avoid inserting the cloth inside the ears. If your kid just had a bath or a swimming, try to dry his ears. You can do this by tilting his head keeping a towel under his head. This will allow the excess water gone inside the ear to drain out. Do not try or allow your kid to inset any sharp object, finger, cloth or cotton swab inside the ears.

Softening Ear Wax

If there is hardened wax visible inside your child’s ears, you can use gentle oil ONLY as prescribed by the doctor to soften and remove the wax. Always try to consult a doctor before trying all these things yourself. Many people use mineral oil or olive oil but trust only doctor prescribed solutions for softening the hard wax. Always use a dropper to put the prescribed amount of solution or ear drop in the ear. Make your child sleep in such a position that his affected ear is facing the ceiling or facing up. Put the prescribed solution in his ear and let him be in the same position for a couple of minutes. After some time, the wax is softened and you can easily take that out of his ear.

Proper Medical Assistance

The main question is what is the right time to see a doctor? Well, if you notice any issue related to your child’s hearing capability, or fever, pain, pus, ooze or blood in his affected ear then it’s time to see a doctor. Hardened wax and other infections make a baby very uncomfortable. If you notice any of the above-mentioned signs in your baby, consider a medical assistance soon.

Guidelines for Cleaning Your Kid’s Ear

• Use cotton cloth to clean the ears and clean area which is easily accessible.
• Don’t use ear drops without doctor’s prescription / check up
• Don’t use your fingers of ear buds/cotton swab as it may push the wax inside. You may use it carefully to pull the wax which is visible and out of the ear hole
• Don’t use oil or vinegar or water to soften the wax. Only doctors prescribed wax solution must be used.
• If any foreign object is stuck in kid’s ear, don’t try to remove it by yourself at home. Take your child to nearby ENT specialist and get it removed by medical professional only.
Like eyes, liver, heart, kidney and many other organs, ears too need care for a healthy life. Ear cleaning should be done routinely and with utmost care as ears are very sensitive. If you are using any tool or cloth for cleaning, the length should always be equal to or more than your elbow. A healthy ear is the medium to hear the mellifluous sounds of life.
Read: How to Improve Kids Immunity
Indian Kids Growth Charts

Mouth Ulcer in Kids: Home Remedies


Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcer in Kids

Mouth ulcers in kids are round sores, usually white in color and they are very painful. These ulcers usually appear on the surface of the tongue or gums. Kids go through a huge inconvenience while drinking or eating due to these ulcers. You can also treat or reduce the intensity of your kid’s mouth ulcer without going to a doctor.
Please note these are only traditional Indian home remedies which will help your child sooth the mouth ulcer pain. It cannot replace a medical examination by a certified paediatrician. The gel given by a doctor is the primary treatment and the home remedies are secondary ones.
Last week my son got the mouth ulcer due to accidentally biting on the inner part of one of his cheeks by teeth.
It was pretty painful for him and he would eat less. His doctor told me to use a mouth ulcer gel just before the lunch and dinner on the affected area.
I also started him on some home remedies which my mom used to do when I was a child and got mouth ulcer.

Foods to Treat Mouth Ulcer in Kids (>1Year)


Coconut oil or water is an effective antibacterial solution. It helps in eliminating bacteria from infections, ulcers, cavities etc. You can directly put some coconut oil on the ulcer. Drinking coconut water also does the work. The difference can be noticed within a few days. Coconut oil or water has a capacity to heal swellings.


Honey has anti-inflammatory properties and hence it’s an effective solution for swelling and ulcers. It reduces pain, soothes and reduces the intensity of the infection. Honey keeps the moisture sustained in your mouth and prevents dryness. Applying honey every day helps in the suppression of the sores.
Read: When to start Honey for your baby?


Curd is a well-known antibacterial agent. Mouth ulcers are caused when the balance between good and bad bacteria is disrupted. Curd or buttermilk prevents the unhealthy bacteria to become active. Curd heals the ulcer and prevents it from coming back. According to Ayurveda, mouth ulcer is caused due to increase body heat, Curd reduces the body heat and good for guts.

Fenugreek Leaves/ Methi

fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek is very effective in treating mouth ulcers. You can use fenugreek leaves or seeds to reduce the inflammation and pain. You can gargle with the boiled fenugreek seed water (Keep seeds soaked in water overnight and strain). You can make your child drink this water as well for a quick relief.

Say NO to Spicy/Oily Food for a While

junk food potato chips
Mouth ulcers can occur due to various reasons like deficiency of the minerals like Iron and Vitamins, acidity, poor bowel movement and diet. Stopping spicy and oily food when your kid is suffering from mouth ulcer is very much needed as the ulcer worsens if came in touch with spice/oil. So stopping such foods will prevent the bacteria to grow and the intensity of the sore getting higher.
There are many other herbal treatments for mouth ulcer but avoid the intense treatments which may irritate your child. The above 5 tips are the safest and also healthy treatments for your little one.
Home remedies are usually effective and safe for treating issues like mouth ulcers but they take time to heal the sores and reduce the pain unlike gels and medicines prescribed by the doctor that show quick result. Mouth ulcers are common in kids and they can be treated easily at home but if you notice anything uncommon or doubtful related to your kid’s mouth ulcer, visit a doctor soon.

3 Letters Baby Boys Names: Unique and Meaningful


Short Baby Names from all around the World for Boys

Small baby names are always attractive and trendy. The best thing is you don’t have to stir your memory a lot before remembering the name. 3-letter baby boy names are not just appealing to parents but people meeting the baby also find it easy-to-pronounce and remember. There is so much grace and pizazz in short names. Below are some handpicked, positively meaningful only unique baby boy names that can add zing to your baby’s personality.
Read: 3 Letters Sweet Names for Baby Girls

Baby Boys Names: 3 letters With Meaning and Origin

Name Meaning Origin
Ace Unity English
Adi First Sanskrit
Aki Bright/Autumn Japanese
Ako My Child Japanese
Ale Noble Dutch
Alf Wise Swidish
Ali Noble Arabic
Amo The eagle rules Italian
Ari Lion Hebrew
Asa Born at Dawn Japanese
Aud Son of Night Norse
Aum Sacred Syllable Sanskrit
Aun Friend/Helper Arabic
Avi Highest Father/Aviel Hebrew
Axl Father of Peace Scandinavian
Bay Auburn-haired French
Bek Brook English
Ben Son of the South/Benjamin Hebrew
Blu Blue English
Boz Name of a King Ukraine
Bud Friend America
Buz Contempt Hebrew
Coe Valley in Hill Irish
Dan God is my Judge/Daniel Hebrew
Dar Family Arabic
Dax Name of a town French
Den From Denmark Norse
Dev God Sanskrit
Dex Right Handed Latin
Dez Desiderio Italian/Spanish
Dio Dion Latin
Doy Dark Stranger Celetic
Dru Manly French
Dud From the people’s meadow English/Sanskrit
Ean Form of John Scottish
Edi Rich in War Old English
Eko First Child Indonesian
Ell Edilo German
Elo Life/Grain Finnish
Emo Serious German
Eon God is Gracious English
Ero Erik German
Esa Name Of A Prophet Arabic
Esh God Sanskrit
Evo Ivan Normannic
Fay The fates Latin
Fin Irish Warrior Irish
Foy Faith French
Gen Genesis Biblical
Geo Farmer American
Gil Happiness Hebrew
Gin Silver Japanese
Han Gift from God German
Hao Good/Perfect Vietnamese
Ian Gift from God Scottish
Imo Knowledge Yoruba
Ion Son of Apollo Greek
Isa Jesus Arabic
Ish God Sanskrit
Ivo Archer German/Dutch
Jad Generous Arabic
Jax Hyacinth flower Hispanic
Jay To Rejoice / Victory English/Sanskrit
Jed Beloved of the Lord Hebrew
Jef God’s Peace Teutonic
Jim Supplanter Hebrew
Joe May Jehovah add/give increase Hebrew
Jon Jonathan English
Joy Happiness English
Jud Praised Hebrew
Kai Sea Hawaiian
Kay Gaius English
Kaz Peacemaker Unknown
Kei Blessings Japanese
Ken Handsome Scottish
Keo Superior Khmer
Kye/Kai Sea Hawaiian
Lay From the meadow farm English
Lee Wood English
Leo Lion Latin
Lew Famous Warrior English
Lex Defender of men Greek
Lin From the linden tree dell English
Lou Famous warrior French
Loy Loyal English
Luz Light Spanish
Lyn Lion Like Leader Welsh
Mac Son Of Gaelic
Mao True Center Japanese
Max Greatest/Maxwell Scottish
Mir Ocean Sanskrit
Mit Friend Hindi
Nay Flute Persian
Nik Lord/Nicholas English
Nio New English
Nir Water Sanskrit
Niv Figure of Speech Hebrew
Noe Comfort Hebrew
Omi Variant of Om Sanskrit
Ori My Light Hebrew
Ove Ancestors Norse
Oza Teacher Indian
Pat Patrician/ Noble Irish
Poe Peacock English
Ray Counsel German
Ren Ruler Welsh
Reo River Spanish/Portugese
Rex King Latin
Rey King Spanish
Rik Power German
Rio River Spanish/Portugese
Roi King French
Roy King French
Ryn Ruler Welsh
Ryu Dragon Japanese
Sai Indian Saint Indian
Sam Name of God/Samuel Hebrew
Sef Joseph German
Sid Wide Island English
Soe Dominate Burmese
Sok Peaceful Combodian
Sri Shree Sanskrit
Sue Lily English
Tai Talent Vietnamese
Tam Twin Armaic
Ted Wealthy guardian English
Teo God Spanish
Tex Derived from Texas English
Tim Timothy/Gods Honour Greek
Tom Twin Aramaic
Tru Truman/Loyal English
Uno First Born Latin
Uri God is my light Hebrew
Ved Knowledge Sanskrit
Vir Brave Sanskrit
Wan Gentle/Gracious Chinese
Xai Xaiden Gaelic
Xan Defending Men Greek
Yen Calm Vietnamese
Yon John English
Yue Moon Chinese
Yug Age/Generation Sanskrit
Zac Remembered by God Hebrew
Zan Defending Men Greek
Zeb Gift from god Hebrew
Zed God’s Justice Hebrew
Zen Meditative State Japanese
Ziv Bright Hebrew

Short names are not just easy and memorable but balances one’s name that already has a long surname. Not always too many letters leave an impact. Small names have a different niche and they are remembered for a long time. These names have been carefully chosen and presented to make your baby’s naming ceremony a howling experience.

5 Common Health Issues in Indian Women


Common 5 Health Concerns in India Women

After having a baby, your body undergoes several changes. The Indian moms may face a few post-partum health issues and in the recent years some health issues are very common. Listed below are 5 common health issues in Indian women, symptoms and possible ways to avoid them.

Common Health Issues in Indian Moms


New moms rarely suffer from Thyroid as they soon get indulged in a busy life surrounded by responsibilities. But a certain percentage of Indian moms suffer from this disease. Thyroid is basically endocrine gland which starts producing more than usual hormones in blood. After pregnancy, Thyroid issue occurs when antibodies tack the Thyroid gland.

Symptoms of Thyroid (hyperthyroidism)

• Weight loss
• Anxiety
• Tremor
• Intolerance to heat
• Palpitations
• Fast hair loss

Symptoms of Thyroid (hyperthyroidism)

• Rapid weight gain
• Fatigue
• Pain in muscle
• Bowel movement issue
• Depression
• Intolerance to cold

Doctors usually prescribe the tests like Free T4, Free T3, TSH and Anti-TPO for the diagnosis of Thyroid issue.
You can try some home remedies to get rid of Thyroid issue like eating gluten-free diet and including anti-inflammatory herbs in diet. However consulting a doctor is always necessary and no home remedy can replace its significance.

Joint Pains/Bone Health

Post partum joint pain is very common in Indian moms. A major reason for the joint issues after pregnancy is the change in the shape and weight of the body and also increase in the physical movements. Joint pain also occurs due to wrong posture while breastfeeding. Even during breastfeeding, a small fraction of bone density is lost and hence joints are more vulnerable to injuries and aches.

Symptoms of Bone Health Issue in Women

• Pain in ankle, feet, wrist, hands
• Twinge
• Soreness
The persistence of joint pain in Indian women depends on the diet and physical movements. In the case of poor diet and least workout or physical movements the pain may sustain till 6 months. The best way to deal with these pains is to do little bit of exercise every day. You can also go for hot and cold therapy. Massage is also effective in joint pains. Eat calcium-rich foods and get sufficient Vitamin D, well Sun is the all-time available source for that.
Read: Knee Strengthening Exercises
Back Strengthening Exercises

Uric Acid Issues/Gout

New moms often suffer from increased levels of Uric acid or Gout which travels through their bloodstream and reaches the kidney. Swollen body parts, especially ankles are the results of Uric acid. Foods with higher levels of Purines are the major cause of the Uric acid creation in body.
Uric acid is common in Indian women in menopause. Before Menopause, women are protected from gout.

Symptoms of Uric Acid/Gout

• Severe joint pain
• Swelling and redness in joint
• Lump formation underneath skin after years of Gout problem
• Kidney issues
The level of Uric acid rises in the body because the body itself produces too much Uric acid or your kidney excretes the Uric acid very slowly. Constantly high levels of Uric acid in the body may lead to stones in kidney, kidney failure, cardiac issues etc. To reduce Uric acid level in the body, drink plenty of water. You can avoid few elements in your diet like too much sugar, starch or meat. You can also cut down on smoking and alcohol consumption, if you do, for better results.


Many Indian moms suffer from obesity after pregnancy. It’s not just noticeable but it brings many health issues with it as well.

Symptoms of Obesity

• Breathing trouble
• Too much sweat
• Joint and back pain
• Issue with physical movements
• Fatigue
• Snoring
Obesity is harmful to health as it can lead to some serious health issues like high cholesterol level and hypertension. To control your obesity after pregnancy, you can exercise regularly at home or outside in the open air. Eat healthy food and stay away from the dietary elements containing too much fat. Regularly monitor your health. If you think your health is declining, never hesitate to see a doctor.


In the postpartum phase, Iron deficiency is common in women which leads to Anaemia. Anaemia occurs when your body is incapable of creating sufficient red blood cells or the functioning of the blood cells is not normal.

Symptoms of Anaemia

• Headache
• Dizziness
• Fatigue
• Fall in body temperature
• Abnormal heartbeats
• Weak body
• Pale skin
• Brittle nails
• Breathing trouble
Lack of iron in diet is one of the major reasons of Anaemia. There are many Iron-rich foods like meat, green vegetables, dry fruits and eggs that can boost the level of Iron in your body. Doctors often prescribe Iron supplements or Iron tablets to treat Anaemia.
After having a baby, a mother has to be mentally and physically strong to cope with various responsibilities. The above-mentioned diseases are very common in Indian moms that occur due to many factors like lifestyle, climate, diet, complications during pregnancy and medical history. Understanding your health issue and using these simple home remedies can help you avoid the tough times.

Must-Buy New Born Baby Clothe Organizers


How to Organise Baby’s Clothes: Tips for New Indian Mom

Organizing baby’s clothes is an important step to make parenting easier. When you are pregnant, you try to prepare everything for the arrival of a baby. You imagine that nothing is going to be out of order, but believe me, whatever you do; the baby’s room is a mess for the first 2 months at least. Especially, the laundry and baby essentials are like all over.
“I just kept it in wardrobe, where is it? Where is the spare one?? Why don’t these pile of wrappers stay at one place?? Why they keep falling from all over?? Which is clean and which is not washed?” These are just a few of the questions during the first few weeks of delivery.
Here are some thoughtfully selected baby laundry organisers for you to keep the mess to minimum and also these help to find the baby’s things on time and without leaving no stone unturned.

Why Your Usual Organisers are not Going to Help You?

1. There are many and too small clothes to fit in usual adult wardrobe. After trying many, I personally found chest of the plastic drawers helpful as the laundry and small baby items cannot stay piled up in big open compartments of a wardrobe. The drawers keep them in one place. Also, the small colourful drawers are just perfect to segregate the types like socks and booties in one, the shirts in one chest, the diapers etc.
Now, there will be some big clothes like swaddle or napkins, towels, wrappers which will need big open compartments as they need more air and very easy access to keep and take. When your little one needs to get change of clothes, he/she won’t give you more than 30 seconds of waiting time. To save you from going crazy, here is the smartest selection of the organisers:
2. Baby’s laundry will be used a lot and its storage needs good air circulation so they won’t stink and also hygiene is maintained. These below selected organisers are handpicked considering this important point.

Thoughtfully Selected Baby Laundry Organisers

1. Chest Of Drawers: Use It for 0 to 10 Years

(Check the price on Amazon India)
These you can use for toddler’s toys till they turn 10 year old. This multi-storage removable drawer is all you need to keep your baby’s clothes organized. The utility drawer is easy-to-assemble and portable. The drawers are semi transparent. These are made of premium-grade durable plastic which assures a long life. Once your toddler starts schooling these same chest of drawers can be used for books, toys etc.

2. Using your Wardrobes Smartly

Now if chest of the drawers are not sufficient or you want to use usual wardrobe then buy these shirt/sari containers. They are easy to use and also keep the piles of clothes together. They are cheap too. These storage means save space and go well with your baby’s room. These are easy-to-clean too. You can adjust the height of the product according to your convenience. These multipurpose containers can also be used to keep magazines and books.

A. Foldable Wardrobe Organizer Saree Cover

This foldable saree cover cum storage box is all you need to protect your clothes from dust and moisture. The product is made of durable fabric supported by steel frame. When the product is not in use, you can fold it and keep it flat in a corner to save space. The elegant and user-friendly design of the product makes it a perfect buy for the buyers with least knowledge of household products.

Check: Newborn Baby Shopping List

B. Shirt Stacker Set: For Swaddlers/Towels/Napkins etc.

The shirt stacker set provides a smart design to keep the folded big napkins/swaddlers/towels etc in one place and very easy access. The design and print of the product makes it appealing. For better fitting of the towels etc kept one after another, the product offers a slant shape. The product can be collapsed when it is not in used. With this product, all of your baby clothes will be easily accessible and arranged. Later same storage units can be used for kids’ school uniform.

5. Small Clothing Items Organiser

Smaller clothing are more likely to get unorganized or get lost and hence you may need a small clothing organizer at home. You can place baby’s small clothing items like mittens, socks, booties, diapers, small napkins etc in this space saving storage boxes. You can keep these boxes anywhere and leverage the organized small clothing every day. The product has five grid storage boxes and it is made of durable plastic. Once your child starts schooling, same storage units can also be used for tools and stationary items.

6. A set of clothes/Bed Sheets/Towel/Blankets Storage to Grab Quickly

If you are looking for simply yet easy-to-organize clothing shelves then this product can be a great pick. For a clutter-free and tidy cloth organizing experience, the 4 shelves offer enough space. The shelves are supported by firm bars and rods. This can be easily folded and kept anywhere when not in use. The shelves are made of non-woven fabric. The paperboard keeps the shelves sturdy. Whenever you are in a hurry and need an easy access to your organized clothes, this product will do the work for you.
These are mainly useful to keep one set of dress+Mitten+Socks ready to grab for quick change.

7. Collapsible Plastic Cube Organizer: As a laundry bag

collapsible storage diy
The multipurpose dual cube collapsible clothing organizer can be easily assembled and transferred to any corner of the house. The organizer stands firm with the support of durable plastic connectors and steel frames. The fabric is waterproof and hence it provides your clothes protection from moisture, dirt and moth. These are perfect for to-be cleaned laundry.
Whether your everyday regime is cramped due to the unorganized baby clothes or you are just running out of space in order to keep small and big clothes within easy access; the above shelves, storage boxes and cloth organizers can make your day easy and light.

Check: Best Baby Shampoo and Soap in India
Best Baby Body Lotion in India

Do Parents Really Suck? They do.


The name of this new book shocks you in the first second and then adds a question mark next to it in the next. As you think a little on the side, a smile spreads over the shock and the question.

54 Reasons Why Parents Suck and Phew” is not only a shocking book by its title but also by the treatment of its context.Who would in India, otherwise, want to read ‘Parents’ and ‘Suck’ in the same sentence. Times change and so does the reality. Under the halo of ‘respect’ and the tag of ‘role model’ lies the real lives of real children and their parents. It is this real life of today that this mother-daughter team have decided to reveal with this witty, yet grounded tale woven around their experiences with hundreds of children and plenty of parents.

Swati Lodha, an entrepreneur-author-academician decided to write this book when her daughter was asked by a reader “Tell us one thing that you don’t like in your Mom” and she quipped, “Oh! I can write a book around that”.
Many harrowing arguments and transparent interactions between the mother and the daughter finally led to this book which can be a real eye opener for all the confident and self-righteous parents out there.

“Growing up” is an art to be practiced with love and strategy and this is what this book strives to achieve through wit and wisdom. “Very smart people do very dumb things. Many of these smart people are the smart parents”, says the seventeen year old co-author, Swaraa, while introducing the book.

All the fifty four reasons in the book are explained with everyday incidents, backed by research with a simple solution to how not to suck. The first reasons states that parents value obedience more than their children and consider ‘disagreement’ as ‘disrespect’.

Revathi Roy, Founder, Hey Deedee and a mother of three boys says, “I read the first twelve reasons and had to admit to myself that I found myself in all of them. It meant that I sucked. Then, I gave the book to my eldest son to read. The equation between us became so much better after that”.

Another reason avers that parents remember themselves as being exemplary children, in hindsight and hence, they expect their children to be ideal children.

“Children are judged and labelled by parents and elders all the time. Even performance of adults is judged and appraised at the workplace but nobody ever reviews their competence as a family person”, ask the authors in reason six.

Nidhi Arora, Ex-Director, E&Y,and Founder of a non-profit, Esha says, “My ten year old son Ishaan finished the book in two days and prepared a plan to appraise our performance as parents. Not only this, the book helped him understand that parents-child conversations and conflicts are universal. He felt ‘not alone’ and ‘understood’. Now we laugh at the tyranny of parents together”.

The book offers these reasons as ‘signposts’ on the journey of parents to tell them what they do wrong, why they do it and how not to do so. The book deals with the tsunami of social media messaging and how parents turned digital spies created trouble by believing the fake news and half-baked gyaan.

Laiba, a young blogger, shared that she, as a child of Indian parents, related a hundred percent with all the problems mentioned in the book and it could easily be a guide for future parents too. Moreover, she described this non-fiction book to be as interesting as fiction.

On asking Swaraa about her favourite – the most troublesome reason, she candidly said that parents are such unfair allocators of blame and credit. They over-claim the credit to themselves for everything positive that happens while over-allocate the blame to children whenever something goes wrong.

Mridula Sancheti, a mother of two grown up children loved everything about the book. “It talks about every problem from divorce to depression, from gender bias to emotional eruptions, with zero-preachiness”. Being a counsellor, she emphasised on the need of every parent to read this relevant book that would nudge them towards accepting their faulty beliefs, biases and behaviours.

Swati is an acclaimed author of many bestsellers and with this book, the whole family turned into writers. Swaraa’s father, Shailesh, is an author-poet too, famously known as Tarak Mehta, the character he plays in a famous comedy show,

On being asked, “Do you suck?”, Swati and Shailesh agree instantly. “When you read this book, I am sure you will find out how terribly ‘I suck”, quips Shailesh, in his humorous style.

The uniquely candid and emphatic book is certainly a conversation starter, a conversation that has been long avoided and undervalued.

“Our aim is to build a community where conflicts in the lives of children and parents could be addressed openly with solutions that prevent the alarmingly increasing rate of suicides and family breakdowns”, says the mother-daughter team.

swati & swaraa lodha

Dr. Swati Lodha is Doctorate in Women Entrepreneurship , Ex-Dean of many B-schools in India, founder of Life Lemonade,
author of International bestseller books on Amazon: “Don’t Raise Your Children, Raise Yourself” (2016), “Why Women are What They Are” (2004) and “Come On! Get Set Go” (2002)

What Type of Music to Listen During Pregnancy?


Is Listening to Loud Music During Pregnancy Bad?

Listening to music during pregnancy can jazz up your mood and if it’s your favorite playlist then all the inconveniences are automatically left at the bay. Music is not just an option to escape from boredom but it’s an effective emotional tool as well.
Pregnancy is a phase when you go through several physical and emotional changes and many a time the pains that can’t be described in words. Music has the power to heal a lot of things. Listening to your favorite music during pregnancy is considered as good for your and the developing baby’s health.

FAQs: Listening to Music during Pregnancy

Can My Baby Listen to The Music in The Womb?

Yes, your fetus can listen to the music you are playing and listening yourself, not completely but partially. The fetus gains the capability of listening to the music after 20 weeks and this capability increases when they reach the end of third trimester. The developing baby gradually starts recognizing some sounds and reacts accordingly. You can put your phone or music player on your belly to help your baby listen to your favorite tracks but make sure the volume is mild as too much sound can affect his brain development.

Read: Meditation During Pregnancy

What Type of Music to Listen During Pregnancy?

Your mood, personality and momentary feelings decide the type of music you play. There is no strict rule for listening to any specific type of music during pregnancy. It’s not completely true that you should always prefer soft and soothing music as your fetus is also listening to it. If that happens and the music is not of your choice then you won’t enjoy it at all. The kind of beats in music affects your developing baby’s movements. Too loud or music with too many beats, too hard rock music can even make your baby jump in the womb due to the vibrations he receives through the music. It’s true that classical music introduces a calming effect and focus in the fetus but there are many other types of music as well that are productive for the fetus’ development.

Benefits of Listening to Music

Music influences the to-be-mom and the developing baby significantly. On one hand where pregnant women relax and switch their mood while listening to their favorite tracks and on the other hand music aids in the mental, psychological and emotional development of the baby. The baby may develop good focus, calmness, responses, reflexes, personality and listening as well as thinking ability. Also, like your favorite music always does, it will cut down the stress and anxiety level for you and your developing baby.

Is Loud Music Harmful to My Baby?

The rhythms and beats affect your fetus’ movements. Listening to too loud music or listening for too many hours may create a hindrance in your baby’s natural sleeping pattern. Be it mental, physical or psychological development – proper sleep or rest is very necessary for your developing baby and too long or too loud music is not at all a healthy option.

How much is too Loud for My Baby in The Womb?

As discussed above, music affects your unborn baby’s various growths. Listening to hard rock music, loud concerts or music with too many rhythms and beats for hours is unhealthy for your baby. According to some studies, if you are going to listen to a soft or small piece of music for a short duration then make sure the volume is not more than 65 decibels. For long duration, the volume should be 50 decibels or lesser.

Example Music Type: Meditation Music for Expectant Women

Listen to such music just before sleeping.

Every parent wants to make their baby smart and a good human being with various positive traits. Listening to the music can influence his brain development and personality but it’s not the only thing that does the wonders. Your baby will learn many things from you and his learning process requires a significant amount of focus and effort.

Aroma Diffuser Humidifier: A Unique Gift for Women


Unique Gift for Women: to Buy Online India

What can make a unique gift for woman? Be it a stay at home mom, a working woman or a college going young girl? There are many less known choices like one we will discuss here. An Aroma diffuser and humidifier. It’s one less known to Indians but very useful item for women. Not only it relaxes your mind and body but also its very good for skin.
I am writing this post from my personal experience. I have been using this same product from last 2 + years. This diffuser is always on my desk while I am working or in bedroom during night.
Its good for kids too as it maintains the healthy level of humidity.
Here is an aroma diffuser humidifier which sustains the freshness of your home with a pleasant aroma and keeps the health problems like cold, flu and allergies at the bay.

Cool Mist 4-Timer LED Diffuser Humidifier

With a cool design, smart technology and the goodness of essential oils, the product is a suitable gift for any occasion. The electrically operated aromatherapy diffuser can be used for home or workplace. The ultrasonic waves create magic with the blend of essential oils and water and make the surrounding pleasing.

Why Buy This?

Relaxes the Mind with Amazing Aroma Around

After a hectic day, we all look forward to enjoy a pleasant and calm environment. The aromatherapy diffuser generates an amazing mist that helps your mind relax. If you prefer doing Yoga or meditation sessions at home then just turn the electric humidifier diffuser on and indulge in a pleasant atmosphere. Essential oils stimulate the nerves and cut down anxiety level. If you prefer working at night, this product creates a magical and calming ambiance adding to your work productivity.

Humidifier is Good for Skin and Respiratory System

skin care

One problem with a dry environment is breathing troubles. Humidifiers keep the environment humid and help the respiratory system function normally. Dry air causes many health issues like dry and cracked lips, blood in the nose and dry sinus. Humidifiers are also good for skin as it sustains skin’s moisture and keeps it healthy.

Portable and Lightweight

The product comes in a convenient size of 14cm x 8cm which makes it portable. The lightweight diffuser humidifier can be carried anywhere.

Colorful LED Lights

When a pleasant aroma and loads of health benefits accompanies a unique design and technology, wonders happen. The product offers 7 unique color settings for every mood. Just press the button and switch to the light of your choice. The best thing is you can set a specific light that goes well with your interior.

Spa-like Ambiance

spa like
The reason we want to visit spas again and again is the soothing and relaxing experience amidst an amazing mist that chases away all our stress and worries. This product offers you a spa-like feeling at home only.

Buy this Humidifier at Amazon India : Here


Many diffuser humidifiers can’t make the grade just because of the bizarre sound they generate. When it comes to a serene and pleasant ambiance, you can count on this product as it doesn’t create any sound – no vibration, nothing just a pleasant aroma.

Easy to Use and Clean

There is no rocket science involved in using the product. Just fill it with fresh water, put essential oil in the power supply and switch it on. The ultrasonic frequencies create a pleasant mist that keeps you relaxed and fresh. Also, the humidifier is easy-to-clean.

Best Gift for Pregnant and New moms

A woman in pregnancy or post pregnancy needs to be relaxed and happy. This could be a nice gift from husband.
Best Gifts Hampers for Expectant Parents

With the aromatherapy diffuser humidifier, you can enjoy winters or a cold environment being relaxed in the lap of a wonderful aroma and the goodness of essential oils. The product also helps in get rid of the blocked nasal passages. You can also prolong the life of your household furniture creating a humid environment.

When the weather is cold and the mornings are cozy, we all love the smell of the hot coffee but one thing that makes us concerned is the thought of catching a cold and the environment getting dry. Aroma diffuser humidifiers help us avoid the allergies and flu-like health issues and prevent the home from getting dry.

Best gift for newborn in India

Eating Chocolate during Pregnancy & Breastfeeding: Is it safe?


Can I eat Chocolate while Pregnant or Nursing?

Eating chocolate in small amounts during pregnancy is not at all a reason to worry. The craving for your favorite foods is very likely to increase during pregnancy. In pregnancy, women crave for sweet and sour foods and chocolate is one of common food items pregnant women crave for.

FAQs: Chocolate during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding

1. Is it safe to eat chocolate during pregnancy?

It’s true that during pregnancy eating whatever you like in any amount is not a healthy choice. But, overlooking your cravings completely is also not good. You can eat chocolates in small amounts during pregnancy. In fact, some good quality chocolates, especially dark chocolates contain antioxidants that help in improving the functioning of blood pressure and hence save from cardiac issues and high blood pressure.
dark chocolate cocoa

The primary components of chocolate include cocoa butter, sugar and chocolate liquor. Pure chocolate is rich in antioxidants, magnesium, endorphins and resveratrol. Chocolates are not rich in carbohydrates but lots of calories are there to make you full. And, overeating chocolates during pregnancy may add some kilos as well. So, it’s better to keep your chocolate bites a bit shorter for a good health. You can eat around 30g of chocolate every day without getting afraid of riding on the weighing machine again or getting any weird look from your near ones.

2. Which Chocolate is Healthier?

Usually, good quality chocolates contain flavanols that improve the cardiovascular functions saving pregnant women from cardiac diseases. Majorly there are two types of chocolates available in the market – High-flavanol chocolates and low-flavanol chocolates. Both the types of chocolates are good for a healthy heart. Both the types of chocolates are good for fetal growth and development and lower the risk of hypertension and Preeclampsia.

3. What can be the side effects of eating chocolate in excess?

You have enough reasons to embrace pure chocolates during pregnancy. However, there are some side effects of eating this yummy food too. The common side effects of eating chocolate include:
• High calories in chocolate may encourage weight gain
• Risky for patients suffering from gestational diabetes
• Eating too much of chocolate means too much caffeine in body which is not healthy
• Some chocolates contain saturated fat which is not good for your heart’s health
• Refined carbohydrates in chocolate is a risk to your diabetes

4. Is eating chocolate while breastfeeding safe?

As discussed above, eating too much of chocolate during pregnancy or breastfeeding is not safe for the health of a mom and the baby. When you are nursing, eating chocolates in higher amounts may introduce more caffeine in your body and that will be transferred to your baby while breastfeeding. This will result in problem with sleeping or relaxing due to high caffeine content in the milk. In some cases babies show symptoms like vomiting, restlessness, insomnia, formation of gas in stomach, diarrhea, rashes, nausea and to name a few. In such cases, it’s better to avoid chocolate or eat in smaller amounts. If the baby is showing no reaction and everything seems okay then you can make yourself happier with one more bite of your favorite chocolate.

5. Is it safe/unsafe for the baby?

Eating chocolate in smaller amounts won’t affect the mother and the baby. According to a study, it’s not safe to have more than 750mg caffeine in a day. Chocolates contain caffeine or theobromine which causes fussiness or irritability in babies if a nursing mother consumes it in higher amounts.
If you are aware of the limits, you can have sweet, salt and spices in your pregnancy as well as nursing phases without requiring to worry about any consequence. Chocolates are good for your health, mood and taste buds. So, if you crave it, have it but don’t overlook your own and the baby’s health.

Sauna / Hot Bath/ Bathtub during Pregnancy: Is it safe?


Hot Baths while Pregnant: Safe Temperature

Sauna/Hot Bath Tub or Onsen is undoubtedly a pleasurable and relaxing experience but during pregnancy, body temperature is slightly higher than the normal days. During my first pregnancy, when I was in Japan, I was told by doctors to avoid onsen i.e. natural hot spring as the heat and pressure is not safe for the baby bump.
Same goes for Sauna, jacuzzi and hot bathtub.

FAQs: Bathing in The Tub and using Sauna while Pregnant

1. Why is Bath Tub/Sauna/Jacuzzi Unsafe for You and the Baby?

Pregnant women feel hotter than normal women and this is because the blood supply to the skin is more and she goes through a lot of hormonal changes. Soaking body in warm water usually relieves the aches but when you are a momma-to-be, you not just have to think about your own health risks but that of the baby in womb too. The baby developing in the uterus may not directly get direct impact from the heat of sauna. But, there are chances that pregnant women can experience fainting and dehydration after using Sauna or hot bath tub. According to a study, if you prefer a bathtub for a bath then the temperature of the water should not be above 98.6° F.

2. Can I Use Warm Water Bath Tub?

Pregnant women need to stay hydrated. Using hot bathtubs can cause dehydration in to-be-moms. Due to the exposure to severe heat, the blood pressure level may fall and dizziness may occur. A high temperature is not safe for a to-be mom and the baby. During the first trimester, pregnant women need to be more cautious as the baby is in his initial development phase. Exposure to a high temperature may cause neuro and spinal defects in the baby. However, you can soak your body in the bathtub filled with water of normal temperature but make sure the soaking duration doesn’t exceed 10 minutes. Understanding the difference between warm and hot water is a must during pregnancy.

3. Safety Instructions for Relaxing in Warm Bath Tub

When you are pregnant, not only your own safety is important but the baby’s safety too means a lot.
1) If you choose to take a bath in a bath tub filled with warm water the make sure the ambiance is soothing and the floor is non-slippery. You can use a comfy pillow to rest your neck.
2) Also, make sure another adult is present there when you enter the bath tub to help you get in comfortably and avoid the hazards.
3) Never soak in the water with a temperature above 98.6° F.
4) Do not add oil or any other solution in the tub as it can make the tub slippery.
5) You can place the essential accessories like towel and soap within your reach so that you don’t have to stretch your body more.
6) If you are already using sauna or warm bath tub then there is nothing much to worry. Consult your doctor if you face any inconvenience while taking a bath in sauna or warm bath tub. In a bath tub filled with warm water which is comfortable for you and maximum portion of your body is out i.e. not soaked in water then the chances of overheating is already lower.

Is Excessive Sweating in Babies Sign of Vit D Deficiency


What can cause Excessive Sweating in Babies?

Vitamin D deficiency in babies can lead to many chronic diseases like Osteoporosis. Today we will understand that how to recognize the signs of Vitamin D deficiency and also what are the other reasons of excessive sweating in babies:

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms in Babies: Sweating

In adults, usually, when the body temperature goes above the normal temperature i.e. 98.6 F, sweating is more than usually days. In the same way, if a baby sweats unusually, especially on the head, he may be suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. Lack of Vitamin D in the body may create a hindrance in the process of sending a signal to the sweat gland by the brain to release a compound to keep your body temperature balanced. If you notice that your baby is sweating more unlike the regular days, you need to take him to his doctor.

Other Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency in Kids/Babies

Bad Mood

When the serotonin levels fall down, depression or a bad mood may occur. This is a symptom of lacking Vitamin D in the body. Babies are usually seen getting irritated unusually due to Vitamin D deficiency.

Excess Sleepiness

Another symptom of Vitamin D deficiency is your baby may sleep more than the usual days. Usually, people experience daytime sleepiness when the Vitamin D level goes down in the body.
Why Do Babies Sweat in Bed?
Babies sweat from their head as their sweat glands are still not developed. During the sleep, babies sweat because, in India, most of the parents use these types of waterproof sheets to prevent the bed sheet when baby wets the bed. This is the main reason of sweating in babies. Even in winters, these types of sheets can make you sweat, a simple test is to sit on it yourself.
waterproof sheet
You will know how uncomfortable they are even in winters.
Instead, try to use skin friendly cotton surface baby sheets. Only cotton can keep your baby’s body temperature balanced all night long. These sheets effectively and quickly whisk your baby’s sweat and provide him with a sense of comfort while sleeping.
Always try to put soft, light and breathable clothes on your baby. The above points will help you recognize the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency in your baby. If your baby is still sweating unusually, consult his paediatrician as soon as possible.

Is Pasta Healthy for kids?


Which Pasta Brand in India is the Safest and Healthy?

Kids love Pasta and so do all of us. Every time we eat fresh and yummy pasta, we feel like saying ‘Pasta, Hasta la vista’ so that we can have it again and again. But, this appetizing food is often misunderstood because of the high carbs in it. In fact, eating pasta without knowing the limit is unhealthy and not just this amazing food. So, is pasta healthy for kids? Well, here are some facts that may bust all the myths related to pasta that you are surrounded by.

What is Pasta Made Of?

Pasta is basically noodle made of a mixture of Semolina flour’s (of durum wheat) unleavened dough, salt, water and oil. It also comprises of eggs. Pasta is liked in various countries. Nowadays it is available in different shapes. Whole grain Pasta offer high nutritional benefits but Pasta made of refined wheat lacks various essential nutrients. Some of the popular Pasta types include: Tortellini, Spaghetti, Macaroni and Ravioli.

Nutritional Value of Pasta

Though refined Pasta is quite popular nowadays; Whole grain pasts is the healthiest choice. This type of Pasts contains lesser calories and more fiber. Also, because of rich fiber content, whole grain Pasts helps in keeping full for a longer time in comparison to refined Pasta. Eating whole grain Pasta wont invite diseases like diabetes, obesity and cardiac troubles. Pasta is high in protein and low in starch. Also, since Semolina flour is a rich source of Vit B, Pasta is a healthy food for all ages.

Side Effects of Pasta

child eating pasta
There is a fine line between healthy and unhealthy Pasta; however both are available out there. Commonly available Pasta contains too much of carbohydrate and carbs which makes you prone to diabetes as carbs easily get broken down into glucose in the bloodstream. Also high-carb food cause rise in blood sugar level, obesity and issues with metabolism. Also, Pasta is rich in Gluten, which is harmful to the people having intolerance for Gluten. Some people also suffer from Gluten allergy. The patients suffering from celiac disease must avoid Pasta as it is a big risk to their health.

What to Check When You Buy Pasta?

Nowadays you got oodles of Pasta flavours, types and brands. The more the choices, more are the confusions. Here are some tips to be followed while buying Pasts in a supermarket.
• Prefer whole grain pasts over regular one
• Refined Pasta is not a very healthy choice – look for a similar phrase on the body of the product ‘enriched semolina flour’
• 100% whole grain or wheat Pasts is the right choice
• Prefer reputed brands of Pastas over local ones as they don’t provide accurate nutritional information
• Say No to gluten-rich Pasts if you are allergic to Gluten
• Prefer fresh Pasta and avoid stuffed Pasta

Best Pasta Brands in India

• Borges Penne Rigate Durum Wheat Pasta / Whole Wheat Pasta by Borges
• Disano Elbow Durum Wheat Pasta
• Weikfield Penne Pasta
• Disano Fusilli Durum Wheat Pasta
• Colavita Whole Wheat Pasta

Tips for Parents: For Pasta Loving Kids

If your kid loves Pasta then it becomes a big responsibility to season and cook it properly as it’s about your little one’s happiness. Here are some quick tips to prepare perfect Pasta for the day:
1. Boil sufficient water as Pasta needs enough water and like this they won’t stick together even
2. Don’t use salt or too much of salt while boiling Pasta as some salt get absorbed
3. Rinse the Pasts properly after boiling
4. Cook Pasta thoroughly
5. Avoid giving Pasta too frequently
6. Add vegetables to balance
7. Always check the expiry date of the product in spite of choosing a reputed brand. Storage conditions in India are not always standard
You can try different shapes and flavours for your Pasta recipes. Make sure you are not making this a habit for your kid. Eating too much Pasta is not healthy for your kid’s health. Always try to go for a reputed brand and check every minute details of the product you are going to purchase.

Read: How to improve immunity in kids?

How Long Can You Travel Safely While Pregnant?


Road Trip during Pregnancy: Is it safe?

Travelling during pregnancy is associated with many myths. Since the day you come to know a life is residing in you, you are concerned about a selection of stuff including diet, workout, lifestyle, and travelling. Also, your life is flooded with too many advice related to travel during pregnancy but you need to understand that every pregnancy is not the same. The level of complexity differs in different cases.
Travelling during pregnancy is not completely prohibited but the question is what should be the suitable distance for travelling depending on your pregnancy status?

Why Can Travelling Be Harmful during Pregnancy?

Truly speaking, no one, even the experts, will prohibit you from travelling at all during pregnancy. If you are not encountering any complication then there is no reason to hold you back at home. However, there are some factors that can make your trip a bummer. Below are some nuisances that you may face while travelling during pregnancy:
• Bad mood due to morning sickness during the first trimester
• Headaches
• Cramps or pain in the belly
• Swelling of legs
• Contractions in some cases

What Is the Best Time to Travel on the Road for Long Journey?

Neither early phase nor the last trimester is safe for travelling. However, you can travel during the 14-28 weeks of pregnancy which is the middle phase. The third trimester is the best time to travel. During this phase, you are almost comfortable with travelling and may not encounter with the health issues like morning sickness, cramps, headaches and mood swings.

What is The Maximum Distance That You Can Travel during Pregnancy?

During the middle phase of your pregnancy, you can travel to any distance but not at too much height. Between 36-37 weeks, you should avoid travelling long distances. During this time, a journey of an hour or two by car is okay. Try to keep your journey distances as short as possible after 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Tips and Note about Traveling by Car during Pregnancy

1) Make sure you get enough toilet stops during the road trip
2) Stretch your legs as much as possible. Take as short walk as once an hour. Also, keep doing short stretching exercises while seated. This will help enough blood circulation and avoid leg cramps.

3) Make sure your driver drives smooth or avoid bumpy roads.
3) You may feel nauseous on curvy roads on mountaineer area. This is what I do when I get travel sickness in the car. Sit straight, and look on the road, I don’t know why but it works for me. Try to chew something, this releases ear pressure.
4) Keep drinking water, preferably lemonade/Lemon water/Ginger mint herbal tea. Stay hydrated.
5) Always try to keep some necessary over the counter medicines prescribed by the doctor, ointment, first aid kit etc. with you. Make sure you are wearing loose fitting clothes while travelling. If you are travelling by car, make sure you have tied the seat belt below your stomach, on the hipbone at a lower position. Travelling is safe during pregnancy but consult your doctor before planning any trip.


How to feel comfortable while travelling?

To feel comfortable throughout the journey, change your position from time to time. You can take loo breaks frequently. Carry snacks and sufficient water with you. Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes.

Check: Comfortable Pregnancy Pillow during pregnancy

Should I prefer travelling in a car with an airbag?

Airbags are meant to save you when you meet an accident. If you have tied your seat belt properly, the airbag is safe for you. An airbag will act as a soft cushion and keep your bump away from the steering.

What to do if the car suddenly breaks?

First of all, if you are pregnant, avoid driving a car. Secondly, if you encounter with car breakdown, make sure you have the following things with you:
• Fully charged mobile
• Warm clothes
• Snacks and water
• Keep the headlights of your car on
• Try using an emergency phone
• Stay away from the motor traffic
• Keep the car doors locked
• Sit on the passenger side if a kid is with you

What are the things to do if I experience a car accident?

You can’t predict anything while you are on a car journey. Weather, roads and many other factors can cause an accident. If you encounter with such an incident and you are okay after all this, as soon as you reach home, try to connect with your doctor to ensure if everything is all right or not. If you are hurt due to the accident, never forget to mention the emergency service your pregnancy status.
Travelling is fun but when you are pregnant, you need to be aware of the risks involved with travelling during pregnancy. Whenever you plan a trip by a car, make sure the trip is short and you take the route with the slow speed.

Read: Best Car Seats for Babies in India

Meaningful Short Indian Twin Baby Names


Top Cute Nicknames for Indian Twin Babies

We have many lists on nicknames for babies on this blog. Specially selected short trendy and meaningful names is the main feature of the baby names lists on GoMama247.
Nicknames for Babies
Short Meaningful Names for Hindu Baby Boys / Baby Girls
Short Meaningful Names for Muslim Baby Boys / Baby Girls
Here are the lists of meaningful Indian short names for Twin Baby Boys, Twin Baby Boy and Girl & Twin Girls. These can be picked as real names or nicknames. As they are shortest really powerfully meaningful names mainly from Sanskrit (and a few Persian Names).
These are friendly and cheerful twin baby nick names for boys that may add a spark to your little one’s personality.
NOTE: If not mentioned then meaning is by default in Sanskrit

1. Nicknames/ Short Names for Twin Boys

twin boys

Agrim – Arish

(Meaning: Agrim: Leader / Arish: Sun Rays (Persian))

Ansh – Tosh

(Ansh: Part / Tosh: Satisfaction)

Apar – Arag

(Apar: Limitless / Arag: Cool)

Avi – Adi

( Avi: Lord/Sun/Mountaing etc/Adi: First)

Ayan – Ayas

(Ayan: Pathway to Sun/ Ayas: Fire / Dexterous)

Bodh – Bhrit

(Bodh: Enlighnement / Bhrit: to nourish/support/Lord Vishnu)

Daksh – Darsh

(Daksh: Capable/Wise Darsh: Handsome/Sight/Krishna)

Darp – Darsh

(Darp: Pride/Bramha Darsh: Handsome/Sight/Krishna)

Dhir – Dhrit

(Dhir: Gentle/Wise Dhrit: Borne / supporting)

Heet – Hesh

(Heet: Love, Hesh: strong/quick)

Irin – Irish

(Irin: King of warriors/powerful, Irish: Lord of Earth)

Kash – Kay

(Kash: Appearance/White lotus , Kay: Body)

Krish – Trish

(Krish: Krishna, Trish: Trishulin/Lord Shiva)

Kyan – Vyan

(Kyan: Knowledge, Vyan: vital air)

Mir – Meet

(Mir: Ocean/Leader, Meet: Friend)

Nir – Nit

(Nir: Water, Nit:Melody/Wealth/Modest)

Ray – Kay

(Ray: King, Kay: Body)

Rian – Kian

(Rian: Kingly, Kian: Kyan or in Persian- Prince)

Sheel – Shaiv

(Sheel: Character, Shaiv: follower of Lord Shiva and Durga)

Shrey – Shail

(Shrey: Credit, Shail: Mountain)

Yug – Yuv

(Yug: age/Era, Yuv: Youth)

2. Nicknames/ Short Names for Twin Boy- Girl

twin boy girl

Arish – Arna

(Arish: Sun Rays in Persian, Arna: Goddess Lakshmi)

Chak – Charvi

(Chak: Brilliant/Shine, Charvi: Beautiful Woman)

Giri – Himi

(Giri: Mountain, Himi:Famous / Renowned (Him Snow/ Himit changed into snow or ice))

Hem – Prit

(Hem: Gold, Prit: Love)

Josh – Zina

(Josh: Pleasure, Zina: Jina (Lord Vishnu))

Krish – Keli

(Krish: Krishna, Keli: Sports)

Neel – Reet

(Neel: Blue, Reet: Tradition)

Rishi – Khushi

(Rishi: Saint, Khushi: Happy)

Shrut – Shuli

(Shrut: Praise, Shuli: Lord Shiva / armed with a spear)

Sneh – Suri

(Sneh: Friend/Love, Suri:God/Chief)

Vyom – Viha

(Vyom: Vital air, Viha:Heaven / Peace)

3. Nicknames/ Short Names for Twin Girls

twin girls

Anshi – Archi

(Anshi: one having share/next generation, Archi: Worshipper)

Asmi – Mahi

(Asmi: I/Myself, Mahi: Great/Lord Shiva)

Bhrita – Bodhi

(Bhrita: Vishnu/Support/Nourish, Bodhi: Enlightenment/ Tree under which Buddha received enlightenment)

Charmi – Charvi

(Charmi: Lord Shiva/One who wears leather, Charvi: Beautiful Woman)

Eka – Ira

(Eka: Goddess Durga/Lakshmi/Ultimate one, Ira: Earth/Refresh)

Esha – Eha

(Esha: Goddess, Eha: Desire/Wish)

Giri – Himi

(Giri: Mountain,Himi:Famous / Renowned (Him Snow/ Himit changed into snow or ice))

Irya – Kyana

(Irya: Powerful, Kyana: Knowledge)

Kash – Karu

(Kash:Appearance/White Lotus, Karu: Architect of Gods)

Marsha – Trisha

(Marsha: Respectable Woman, Trish: Trishulin/Lord shiva/One with a trident)

Mauli – Mauni

(Mauli: Mother, Mauni: Saint(Who are silent))

Mishty – Preeti

(Mishty: Sweet, Preeti: Love)

Niru – Nishu

(Niru: Nir/Water, Nishu:Night)

Riddhi – Siddhi

(Riddhi: Wealthy/Lakshmi, Siddhi: Perfection/Lakshmi)

Sayuri – Keyuri

(Sayuri: Japanese flower, Keyuri: Armlet)

Sena – Shami

(Sema: Army, Shami: Fire)

Suri – Shuli

(Suri: God, Shuli: One with spear)

Vrita – Rutha

(Vrita: Bliss/Chosen, Rutha: Truth)

The thought of picking a potential name for your little one may strike your mind the day you come to know a life is developing inside you. And, when you come to know that it’s twins, the excitement simply gets doubled. However, you may want to bestow your twin babies with the names that are more relatable, more adorable and easier to say and remember. The best thing about the twin baby boy nicknames is you can personalize them.

Giving cute nicknames to your twins is fun as there are no boundaries and rules while choosing a name. But, choosing the right nickname is somehow a big responsibility similar to choosing an official name as your baby grows with that name. The above twin baby nicknames are curated and adorable and you will be able to find a strong connection with these names.

At What Age Kids Should Start to Hold Pencils?


When Can Kids Start Using Pencil To Write?

In recent years, you may have seen even a 3-years-old child are told to write alphabets and numbers by pencil.
But, is it right? Is it safe for their underdevelopment wrist and fingers?
Today, I am writing this post after my personal study on this topic as I felt many parents are not aware of right age to make their child write using a pencil.

Scribbling by Crayon Vs Writing by Pencil: What is the difference?

By the age of 18 months, your baby will start taking interest in the colors and scribbling.
As a crayon doesn’t need fine motor skills of fingers like you need to write using a pencil, you may let your child scribble using crayons. But let the baby figure out how to hold it and scribble, not only because it’s fun to watch your little one explore but also let him/her find a comfortable holding posture of his fist.


Sometimes, skinny crayons can be difficult to hold and hang onto the hands. So, try to commence this journey providing thicker crayons.
So, the point to make here is, scribbling by crayons can be started by as early as 18 months.

When Should Your Little One Be Given A Pencil To Write?

There is a fine line between squiggle and proper writing putting enough efforts. When you start this journey by letting them holding crayons, his/her grip becomes better and hand-eye coordination is improved. It’s very important to consider a child’s understanding of things before making him write using a pencil. If he understands that certain marks are symbols and they represent something, it’s the right age to encourage him to write using a pencil.

pencil writing

According to the doctors and few studies, children do not develop enough strength and motor skills before 4 years. In the beginning, children usually develop an immature grip using all the five fingers. But, the right way to grip a pencil is using just three fingers – index, thumb and middle finger, which children are capable of when they are around 5 or 6-year-old. Motor skills are developed naturally you don’t have to teach kids to hold pencils and write. But to help them start with scribbling with crayons and later with writing with pencils, you can introduce many fun activities to your child like play dough, puzzles, blocks, etc. These activities will also provide strength to your child’s finger muscles.

Some Tips for the Parents Whose Child is Ready to Hold and Use a Pencil

• Don’t force them to develop a grip; the natural process is only enough.
• Introduce activities like play dough, beading, sand play
• Don’t be in a hurry to make your baby start writing; Before the age of 5 years, don’t force to develop motor and gross skills
• Children can be introduced with blackboard and sand rather than a desk

In India, many schools overlook this fact and just to impress the parents about how their school is smarter, they make toddlers write sheets full of letters and numbers. But as a smart parent, you should let your kids start it at the right age.

Top 10 Return Gift Ideas for Kids 5 Years


Birthday Return Gifts: 5 Years old Boys and Girls

Return gift for children on your kid’s birthday party or any other celebration is a sweet gesture to thank them for being there and adding a spark to the joyous event. Choosing return gifts can be confusing sometimes as every kid attending your party may have a different inclination. Here are some unique and fun return gift ideas for kids worth having a look. These are from my personal experience after trying various types of return gifts.

Birthday Party Return Gifts for 5 year Olds

1. Milk Sippers bottles: Usable and Loved by Kids

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To give energy and strength to active kids, milk and shakes are often considered and these milk sipper bottles are a suitable return gift option for such kids. The jar has a blackboard on the external surface where you can write a customized heartfelt message for every kid. The strong and thick handle of the jar ensures a firm and safe grip.

2. DIY Kits: Creative

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It may be tough to find out the little Picassos in a group of kids coming to celebrate your child’s birthday. But most of the kids have, more or less, an inclination towards drawing. This art and craft set gift is an important step to encourage the imaginative skills of the kids. The young minds will be stirred while placing the sequins properly. This gift is a complete fun and learning solution for kids that can keep them engaged for a long time.
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3. Cartoon Bags: Fun Gift

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Kids love Spidey because of his superpowers. Even though the little shoulders can’t bear heavy weights and those little feet can’t stick to the walls; the little minds surely have enough power to do wonders. The cool back pack bag for kids with spiderman theme printed on it can definitely be the reason to many priceless smiles. The bag is soft like a stuffed toy.

4. Kids Goggles: Funky

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The stylish looking goggles for kids are enough to make a kid’s day. Nowadays, kids love cool accessories to add a spark to their appearance. The goggles are made of high-grade durable plastic for a great shelf-life. Kids can try these goggles casually at home, parties or any other fun events.

5. Educational Games: Brain Power Boosters

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Parents like to give their kids educational toys. These are educational games for a 5-year-old, games that boost their interest in studies. A kid can leverage many skill development benefits through these
games like solving a problem fast, focus, observation, social skills etc. With various repeatable activities, kids can enjoy for hours with this set.
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6. School Lunch Box: Useful

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For the little ones, the mini lunchbox made of high-quality food-grade stainless steel will serve yummy foods hot for years. This return gift is appropriate for 5-year-old or bigger children. A useful nice return gift for long time use compared to other options like toys.

7. Fun Games: Just enjoy

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Today, kids are often seen playing indoor or outdoor games with sheer passion. This not just gives them oodles of fun moments but improves their motor skills and hand-eye coordination too. This multiplayer wooden stick games that come in a cool wooden box will help the kids create their super cool squad.

8. Adorable Stationary Items: Fun items at Studies

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Kids like to use variety of cute looking stationary at home/school. If you decide to gift something useful and frequently usable for kids then the first thing that may strike your mind is stationery items. This kit consists of many cool erasers with various shapes and sizes. Kids can flaunt their awesome collection in front of their squad. The erasers are placed inside a cool plastic box.

9. Cartoon Printed Lunch Bag: Lovely

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If something rare you are looking for then this one is a good choice for you. Lunch bags are not common in India but are very useful. This multipurpose lunch bag can carry your kid’s lunch for school, parties or picnic. Kids can carry hot or cold food or drinks in the bag comfortably for small picnics.

10. Cartoon Printed Hand Towels: Useful and Colorful

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The both sides usable towels for kids can be a surprise return gift for kids. Kids love printed towels and these towels have both printed and plain sides. The hand towels are used by kids till age 5 yrs more than elder kids.
Feel free to comment more ideas below from your personal experiences. Please note, we are not manufacturer of these gifts nor we are associated with the sellers. We only list the good to buy products for new indian parents. (Please read amazon affiliate note in footer)
Hope you like the collection of these return gifts for kids around 5 years old. We will bring you more such lists soon.
Check: Personalized Return Gifts
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